Jane Fonda

Recently I've caught interviews with Jane Fonda and feel drawn to what she says. She's promoting her new book -- an autobiography--in which she shares many of the same issues I went through. Her analysis of issues of child molestation is dead on right. I especially like her explanations because I've been dodging the reclamation of my own power. In addition, I never quite figured out the self loathing that frequently is a part of the residual effects of early childhood molestation. I have come a long way with my problem but am saddened to realize that this issue also gets transmitted to my children. However, I cannot do any more except to be available to my children when they need me. I have noticed, however, that I'm not necessarily availble to them as I want to run away from problems that resonate with me on a personal level and that I have no power to effect. It could be a lingering or residual consequence of my molestation or it could be that I understand that adult children frequently dismiss parental advice. Rather than revisit my own issue over and over again, I need to learn to help others without rehashing the event, the consequence to my lack of self confidence. I'm not famous like Jane; however, I, too, must move on and make a difference for women and others on the same journey of taking back ourselves and building our self esteem.

In the new position at this university, I finally feel that I can act with confidence and I do hope that feeling confident will grow as I continue to act with confidence on the development of myself as director.

I owe Ms Jane Fonda many thanks for speaking out about her life, for there are many of us who are on the same road--behind or in front of her--working toward wholeness in our physical and mental health. Let the scourge of child abuse abate or end--That's my prayer for today.



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