Why Americans Have to Work Longer Hours and Borrow to the Hilt Just to Keep Afloat | Economy | AlterNet

Why Americans Have to Work Longer Hours and Borrow to the Hilt Just to Keep Afloat | Economy | AlterNet

As a woman who found herself dependent on Social Security, I am familiar with the thesis of the article to which I respond here.
Even at a professional level working conditions as well as payment for work completed have gone down. Interestingly, I do not see the end of these conditions--the decline of pay and working conditions seem to be in our future for a long time.

It is a good thing that I can maintain what is left of my sanity through prayer, meditations, and reading both on-line and books I own. I've not yet hit the library for use of their books. But that time is approaching quickly.

I pray that fewer people have to lose their livelihoods and attendant self-esteem that comes along with employment. As a good friend told me: "I work so I can have some fun from time to time." This friend is in her late 70s and still hard at work.

I hope I maintain the stamina she has. But such is life for many of us in the 21st century.


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