Harry Shearer: George Carlin - Entertainment on The Huffington Post
Harry Shearer: George Carlin - Entertainment on The Huffington Post
Like many USAmericans, I came of age during the time that television was in its infancy and therefore grew up knowing many of the great minds and entertainers through that medium. George Carlin was a favorite for even a less than highly educated mind could grasp the truth and humor of his wit. I had come to see as he did the dark side of USAmerican adventures in the world. Most importantly Mr. Carlin's language was a joy to hear and read. RIP, George.
Like many USAmericans, I came of age during the time that television was in its infancy and therefore grew up knowing many of the great minds and entertainers through that medium. George Carlin was a favorite for even a less than highly educated mind could grasp the truth and humor of his wit. I had come to see as he did the dark side of USAmerican adventures in the world. Most importantly Mr. Carlin's language was a joy to hear and read. RIP, George.